作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-08-10 14:46:38
0n May 9, 2017, BRS Principal Wang Guangfa welcomed school leaders and experts from the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), the Accreditation Organization for Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Education, and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) to a symposium held on campus.
At the symposium, Mr. Wang Guangfa, leaders from CEAIE and Mr. Mark Stapleton, NEASC Director of International Affairs, made presentations and exchanged ideas related to the challenge of accreditation and quality assurance in international education.
在座谈现场,我校校长王广发、中国教育国际交流协会涉外办学质量保障部副主任何培和美国新英格兰院校协会(NEASC)国际事务总监Mark Stapleton分别致辞,对国际教育的标准化认证工作进行了充分研讨。
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