

作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-08-23 17:37:55

   On October 13, 2016 ISN’s Head of School hosted a signing ceremony with representative from the University of Kentucky, formalizing the acceptance of ISN’s American high school curriculum by the University of Kentucky toward preferential enrollment at the University, for a period of ten years, renewable by mutual consent.  ISN High School students and teachers were in attendance along the school’s Executive Committee.

  2016年10月13日, 宁波至诚学校陈辉董事长、美国部Cavon Ahangarzadeh校长和美国肯塔基大学校方代表Jesse A.Hedge招生副院长等出席了签约仪式。双方就如何长期有效地开展教育合作进行了深度讨论,肯塔基大学认可至诚学校美国部高中课程体系及教学成果,并承诺10年的录取优惠政策及特殊奖学金制度(仅面向至诚学子)。
  Established in 1865, the University of Kentucky (UK) is comprised of 16 colleges, a graduate school, 93 undergraduate programs, 99 graduate programs, 66 doctoral programs, and four professional programs, including a medical school and law school.  The University of Kentucky has fifteen libraries on campus.  UK alumni include two Nobel prize winners:  Thomas Hunt Morgan, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, known as the father of modern genetics and William Lipscomb, 1976 winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  肯塔基大学(UK)建校于1865年,由16个学院,1个研究生院,93个本科课程,99个研究生课程,66个博士生课程和4个包括医学院和法学院在内的专业项目组成。肯塔基大学拥有15个图书馆。校友包括二位诺贝尔奖获得者: Thomas Hunt Morgan, 获得诺贝尔生理和医学奖,被称为现代遗传学之父;William Lipscomb,1976年诺贝尔化学奖获得者。
  ISN is proud to be in partnership with UK.  We are certain that this partnership will benefit ISN students for years to come.



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