Knowledge as a whole
In our IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), our students become aware of the relevance of their learning and see the similar and complementary aspects of various disciplines or fields of study to see knowledge as an interrelated whole. This is not to the detriment of learning within the disciplines, which retain their own objectives and methodologies.
Intercultural awareness
The MYP emphasizes intercultural awareness, concerned with developing students’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills as they learn about their own culture and others’ cultures. By encouraging our students to consider multiple perspectives, intercultural awareness goes beyond fostering tolerance to developing respect and empathy.
The MYP emphasises communication as a fundamental part of learning, as it supports inquiry and understanding and allows for reflection and expression. The MYP places particular emphasis on language acquisition and encourages our students to explore multiple forms of expression.
Inquiry-based processes
The MYP values an inquiry-based process, where our students learn more about themselves by exploring their interests. During Year 9, our students will complete a Community Project to help another school or their local community. During Year 11, our students complete a Personal Project – an integral requirement of the programme – on a topic they are passionate about. Both projects are developed in a yearlong process through guided learning, and our students complete an extended report and presentation to the school community.
作为中国最高水准的国际课程之一,我们的国际文凭大学预科课程 (IBDP) 旨在培养学生为今后的求学旅程和人生之路做好充分的准备,跻身世界顶级的高等学府。
国际文凭大学预科课程 (IBDP)
IB课程旨在将学生塑造成为拥有求知欲、进取心和丰富知识技能的年轻人才,并培养他们终生学习的热情。课程包括语言与文学、语言习得、个人与社会、科学、数学和艺术等主要学科分组,以及三个IBDP核心组成部分:创造力、行动与服务 (CAS)、知识理论 (TOK) 和拓展论文。
分组 1:语言与文学学习
分组 2:语言习得
分组 3:个人与社会
分组 4:科学
分组 5:数学
分组 6:艺术或从分组 3 与分组 4 中选择的学科
除了学术领域的 IB 学科,还设置了三个 IBDP 核心组成部分:
拓展论文 (EE) – 学生选取自己感兴趣的主题,撰写一篇 4000 字论文。
知识理论 (TOK) – 学生从个人视角出发,围绕知识的基础和界限进行提问。
创造力、行动与服务 (CAS) – 学生参加与这三个领域相关的各类有意义的挑战活动。