
重庆耀中国际学校2024-25 学年新生报名火热进行中

作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2024-07-05 09:49:01

History 起源

The YCYW network of schools was founded in Hong Kong 92 years ago. Since 1932, YCYW has transformed into a modern, international education network of schools leading the way in developing our students into ambitious, kind, and responsible future leaders. Established in 2001, Yew Chung International School of Chongqing is the first and only international school in Chongqing registered with the Ministry of Education. It serves the needs of Chongqing’s expatriate community with a high quality of education across a broad spectrum ranging from early childhood to secondary (aged 2-18).


耀中耀华建校92周年。自1932年以来,从一颗在香港播下的种子,成长为如今一个现代化的国际教育体系。为了能够令重庆的外籍家庭受益于耀中的教育理念、目标和教学法,我们于2001年创立了重庆耀中国际学校,是重庆市第一所也是唯一由国家教委批准注册的国际学校,旨在为在渝工作的外籍人士子女提供卓越教育,学制涵盖幼儿至高中 (2-18岁)。

Accreditation 资质

YCIS Chongqing is the only fully accredited school in Chongqing, recognised by the Council of International Schools (CIS). We are also authorised by the College Board SAT and Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Additionally, YCIS is authorised as the first International Baccalaureate World School (IB World School) in Chongqing and it provides expatriate students with an integrated, internationally recognised and highly sought after pathway to higher education.

重庆耀中国际学校是重庆市唯一一所同时获得CIS国际学校认证、美国大学委员会SAT考点授权、剑桥国际考试委员会(CIE)认证的国际学校。 此外,重庆耀中国际学校也是重庆市第一所开设IBDP课程的国际学校,为外籍学生提供了一个系统化、全球认可与备受瞩目的高等教育升学途径。



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