
中澳VCE项目︱ 2017级新生入学仪式

作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-10-26 11:17:05

   9月24日上午,哈美加国际部中澳VCE项目新生入学仪式隆重举行。澳方合作学校Firbank Grammar School(芙班科文法学校) 财务官Scott Feehan、校长Wendy Grant、、 VCE项目中国区运营总监Gary Li,应邀从万里之外的澳洲来参加本次仪式,哈美加校长张韬、常务副校长兼国际部校长张丽润、国际部副校长刘羽霞、VCE项目全体教师以及2017级新生和家长们出席本次入学仪式。入学仪式由国际部刘羽霞副校长主持。

  Harbin American-Canadian Foreign Language School held the 2017 enrollment ceremony on 24th September 2017.Principal Tao Zhang, Deputy President and president of international department, Amy Zhang, vice president of international department, Linda Liu, VCE teaching staff, new students and their parents attended the ceremony. Mr. Scott Feehan, Chief Financial Officer,Mrs. Wendy Grant, Principal of Firbank Grammar School, ,and Mr. Gary Li, General Consultant of VCE in China also attended the ceremony.
  The enrollment ceremony begun with China's national anthem and Australian national anthem.
  芙班科文法学校的校长Wendy Grant首先对学生们能选择VCE项目表示了热烈的欢迎和感谢。Wendy校长用几段精彩的视频为我们详细介绍了芙班科文法学校的基本概况、墨尔本的风土人情以及澳大利亚的社会环境,让同学们对澳洲有了更直观的了解,也对未来的学习生活有了更多的期待。
  First, Principal Wendy gave a warm welcome and showed her appreciation to students who chose this VCE program, followed by a few videos about the culture in Australia, surrounding city information in Melbourne, and the introduction of Firbank Grammar School. Finally, students got a detailed understanding about australian life, and looked forward to their new life. Next, Gary Li gave students a brief introduction to VCE program, which gives students a general idea and confidence in the program.
  随后,Gary  Li 为同学们介绍了VCE项目的基本情况,对学科教学、课程设置、考试安排等方面进行了全方位的讲解,通过Gary的介绍,同学们对VCE认识的更加全面,对未来的学习也更有信心。
  Next, Gary Li gave students a brief introduction to VCE program, which gives students a general idea and confidence in the program.
  After that, the guests presented each student with the enrollment certificate and handbook. wish students can challenge every problem in order to achieve their dreams.
  Finally, principal Tao Zhang gave us a presentation to appreciate parent's trust. 'as the only school with VCE program, we have confidence to succeed. we provide the best studying environment to make students chase  their dream. ' Mr. Zhang hopes students can enjoy their colorful life gaining academic knowledge and doing interesting activities in our school.
  No matter how long the journey is, a start will bring an arrival; no matter how tough the work is, an accomplishment will bring a success!However, on many issues, it is a matter of wether 'I want to' rather than wether 'I can deal them'. Our new life in HACFLS is the new challenge and opportunity to all students. We wish all the students with passion and goal can pursue impossible!



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