
School Events丨FLIS首次“国际日”活动来袭!“最受喜爱国家”花落哪家?

作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-10-31 13:37:36

   上周五,福州西湖国际学校举办了首次“国际日”庆祝活动!本年度我校国际日主题为“环球之旅 - 英雄的故乡”,活动内容包括教室装饰、cosplay各国英雄、“环球旅行”、“美食鉴赏”等等。

  Last Friday was a big success since we celebrated FLIS's first International Day! This year's theme is "Global Journey - Hero's hometown", including countries, citizens, tourists and other roles.
  What is it? 什么是“国际日”?
  In widespread use since the mid-20th century, the "international day" concept is intended to observe an idea or topic of worldwide concern. Celebrating different countries, traditions and cultures across the world during International Day will teach the children in your class to respect and embrace international friends. Have a number of different activity stations around the room, with each focusing on a different country. Some activities should be educational, and others can include games or food. Activities can be altered depending on the age group, as well as any specific needs of your class.
  Besides, that day each child will be given a "passport". As they travel to different homerooms, they have their passports stamped with that country's name.
  All FLIS classes took part in and enjoyed the event very much! As Principal of ECE and Primary school, Ms. Jeanne Sobo delivered a warmly speech, expressing her welcome to all. Then G6 students gave a brilliant drum performance! Followed by it was the awaited "Heroes Show", in which students dressed as the country's famous heroes, representing his/her class, walking the red carpeted aisle and introducing their classes/countries. They really did a good job!
  Later the classes/countries visits were so much fun! Classrooms were decorated to show their own countries’ culture, weaving through them was just like entering a global village. Some of them had prepared its country’s representative food, so it was also a delicious journey as well!
  According to rules, tourists will stop by “the United Nations office” to vote for their favorite countries after the journey.  Have you voted for your favorite country? Now we're glad to announce that the winner of FLIS 2017 International Day is G9-China! Congratulations!



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