School Events丨FLIS达人秀:尽情展现你的才艺吧!
作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-10-31 13:51:43
On Friday, the 16th of June, Fuzhou Lakeside International School hosted its first ever Talent Show! The Forest Orchestra opened the show with a medley of classical music, its resounding harmony reverberating over the whole gym. It definitely made us look forward to the surprise they will bring to FLIS next semester.
In addition to the dazzling set and lighting, the biggest difference between this Talent Show and other shows hosted at FLIS is that this time, there was a variety of acts without being limited to the usual song and dance performances; the audience was able to enjoy instrumentals such as the Chinese Harp, as well as percussion and drum ensembles. Our students are really talented!
Congratulations to all performers for your extraordinary performances; you certainly deserved the loudest applause!
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