
School News丨FLIS家委会(PTA)本学期首次会议召开!

作者:本站来源:国际学校大全网时间:2017-10-31 13:42:11


  On Wednesday, September 6th, FLIS held a special meeting with parents, in which we encouraged parents to get involved with the school.  All parents and staff are automatically members of the PTA when they join the school community.
  家委会(Parent Teacher Association, 缩写为PTA),即由家长、学校职员及社区成员所组成的协会。PTA主要有以下两个主要职能:首先是促进社会融合和互动,其次是通过项目筹集资金和与儿童慈善机构一起工作来支持学校履行社会责任。
  The Parent Teacher Association (aka PTA) is made up of parents, school staff and community members. The association has two primary functions: firstly to promote social integration and interaction, and secondly to support the school in fulfilling its social responsibilities by raising money for projects and working alongside children’s charities.
  As Principal of ECE and Primary school, Ms. Jeanne Sobo attended the meeting with Ms Kata Wu, the Director of Character Education department. They introduced a number of ways in which parents can involve themselves in the PTA. It really depends on their interests, skills and their ability to give time to the association, like joining the PTA steering committee/social events, being room parents/parents ambassadors/parents representatives.
  Since FLIS has already held some successful charity events, this year we're willing to carry on the tradition.  We sincerely hope parents can continue to offer their wonderful support.  Many parents are good at cooking & baking and some are true travel enthusiasts. The FLIS Cookbook & The FLIS Travel Book also await your contributions! We can sell the books to fundraise for parent directed projects such as school improvements or charity & relief efforts.
  The structure and organization is designed to create opportunities to be involved and to contribute. It is not intended that parents’ involvement should in any way be arduous, the more people we have involved, the more we can achieve and enjoy together!
  We look forward to your participation!



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